The benefits of WRAPS™
A proven formula
WRAPS™ has been developed using research and logic. History proves that over the medium to long-term the market always rises. So if you keep your money invested long enough, you will benefit.
Sensible investing
We want you to make money, but we’ll help you do that modestly and prudently, without taking any unnecessary risks. We don’t try to second-guess markets or pick ‘winners’ – we just go for a steady, long-term approach.
Balancing risk and return
Like all experienced investment specialists, we work on the basis that risk and return are two sides of the same coin. Go with greater risk and you’re likely to get higher returns, but also more volatility. Less risk will bring a steadier picture, but probably lower returns.
We invest in low-cost tracking funds rather than actively managed funds, helping you avoid high fees. Our portfolios also include a combination of non-predictive funds from reputable houses that control their costs.
24/7 access
With WRAPS™, you can view your investments online, day or night. It’s as simple as your online bank account. You can also access your funds quickly when needed with no exit charges.